Operation Sleep Tight (Winter 2014-2015)

Josiah has a challenge this winter season and is calling out for the help of others.  This challenge is greater than anything that we have done thus far.

CHALLENGE: To provide 600 beds to our homeless neighbors living on the streets of Nashville, TN AND around the world.

HOW THIS WILL WORK:  He is asking his friends & family to jump on board and find a local homeless shelter/ministry nearest to you.  If you do not know of one, please contact me for assistance.

ANOTHER WAY: Operation Sleep Tight is still collecting sleeping bags to pass out to our many homeless friends this winter.  Please contact me for more information if you'd like to help provide sleeping bags to our Nashville friends.

WHAT KIND OF SLEEPING BAGS: Well, any will work.  The ones that our friends have enjoyed receiving can be found at Wal-Mart.  You can see the Mummy Bag here.  Be sure to look at the temperature ratings and select the best kind that will keep your homeless friends & neighbors warm.

WHAT WE ASK:  We ask that no money be sent, just sleeping bags.  If you jump in with Operation Sleep Tight, please ask your donors to have the sleeping bags delivered to your door (if you know them) or your to local Wal-Mart store.  You can pick them up there for free.  Also, we'd love to hear how many sleeping bags you hand out this year.  We'd love to reach the goal of 600 beds this winter and we can not do it without YOU!

WHEN DO WE START: We start NOW!  It is already cold outside and our friends need our help.  We suggest contacting your local homeless ministry and dropping off sleeping bags weekly.


For more information and/or to let us know that you are on board with us, please email us at operationsleeptight@gmail.com.  
